Monday, December 22, 2008

Welcome to our new blog!

Matthew Bachtold, Library Director, and Lisa Stratton, Children's/Young Adult Librarian (that's me!) at the Upton Town Library have been assigned the task of gathering community input for a proposed new library in Upton.
As residents, library patrons, voters and tax payers, we need your honest input on this ... and you deserve the chance to have your opinions and ideas heard.

Here's our first discussion question. Please think about this, and answer honestly.

What would be your top priorities for a new library building to have?
  • For example, would WiFi be more important to you than a large Reference collection??
  • Really think about this.... More books or More services?
  • What types of services?
  • Keep in mind, books can be borrowed from other libraries, and delivered to Upton, so should space be reserved for people to gather in, rather than to store more books in??
  • Larger children's area, separate storytime room?
  • Young Adult/Teen room?
  • Meeting rooms? cafe??

Let's get a discussion going here....!

On the "Build a New Library in Upton" Facebook page, our position statements are:

  1. The Library should serve as the Town's Community Center.
  2. The Library should meet the educational, recreational, informational, and cultural needs of its community.
  3. "Libraries will get us through times of no money better than money will get us through times of no Libraries!"
  4. It is imperative that residents make their voices heard, and let Library Trustees and Town Selectman know how much they value the Library.

Thank you for your help!!


  1. JD wrote:
    I am all for a new library.

    Is there a chance that they will put it to a vote in the town to get a real feel for how people view the issue?
    Assuming that people don't want or think we need a new library disenfranchises the voters in this town. People have a right to make an informed decision on this issue (ie. plans, personal tax burden, cost to the town, etc.). Perhaps there should be a push to get it on the next ballot?
    KS wrote:
    Personally, I have been using the library more lately and it is certainly convenient to have it right down the road from my house. But even with that said I personally think libraries are fading away. I would like to see more regional libraries. Like joining together with Milford or a few other towns rather than a library in each town. Possibly expanding school libraries and opening them to the public. Or even a virtual library like a netflix for books. I agree it is not handicap accessible or stroller accessible which makes it more difficult, but I would rather not see $$ put into a new library for our town (even as a mom of 2 young kids).

    Anyways, that is just my two cents. In the meantime, I will certainly continue to use the library that is there.

    Post #3

    here's one more...
    TF wrote:
    I am all for a new library. A Library is the stepping stone for our children to get to great things. I won't go on a whole rant about why I think a library is so important. These things to me are important if a new library is in the works. Might I add that the staff there is incredible!
    (1 being most important)

    1. Separate children's room.
    2. A QUIET teen room. I know that many teens go to the library now and are anything but


    Post #4
    ... and another! my reply to this one is at the end...
    JM wrote:
    I would LOVE to see a new library. When the Planned Village got denied, I was devastated. One of the reasons, among several, was the notion of a new library in town where we could go and look forward to spending time and chilling out there either as an adult, a teen, or a child. I am the mother of an almost 5 year old and I frequently go to the library for book rotations. However, I avoid Upton because I feel like I'm entering a cave. It's dark, the selection is minimal, and it's not overly kid friendly - the first thing my daughter sees is the video section and after that, I'm all done. Not to mention, my only day off is Monday and the library isn't even open! So, rather than take books out in Upton, I go to Mendon, Grafton, or Milford. Don't get me wrong, this is no fault of yours or Matthews!!! Not in the least, you guys do everything possible to make the building and the system work as best as you can.

    I would love to see a lighter, cheerier place with a bigger selection of kids books. I think WiFi would be great for teens and adults who need to get some work done in a quiet place... a meeting room would be wonderful, a cafe would be awesome. Most of all, a new building with new life. Upton needs to catch up with the times and if everyone in town keeps voting down all the potential upgrades that come along, we'll be the same old "most boring town" of all time.

    Just my two cents.
    I wrote:
    Thank you so much, for joining the 'cause' and for your input! It is very frustrating, to say the least, to keep trying to move forward in a town that keeps pushing back!LOL! Judging from your email, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about! I'm posting the emails I get onto the discussion board on the facebook page (no names attached) just to be able to keep all the feedback in one place. Please let other people know what we're trying to this point our biggest task is getting the word out and making people aware that if there is EVER going to be a new library it will ONLY happen if people express a need for it! Have you been over to Kaleidoscope Books yet? It's also very small, but it's bright and clean and cheery....and people are gathering there because it's so inviting.....and there's WiFi and coffee!LOL! THAT's what the Library needs to be.....a community gathering place where friends and neighbors can get together and hang out.....and get books and movies (for FREE), etc etc etc!!!
    Something else that so many people don't realize, is that if our library loses its certification, due to lack of funding or for any other reason, Upton residents would no longer be able to go to other area libraries! It happened last year in Northbridge: Their library got decertified after an override not passing, and then no other libraries would lend to those residents. It's one of the benefits of being a C/WMARS member, being allowed to access materials from other libraries.
    Anyhow, thanks again for your support!

    Post #5
    Here's more from today....
    RJ wrote:
    Hi Lisa - I like the idea of a library serving as a community center for the town, especially since we have no other facility that serves such a function. That being said, I would envision a separate area with a cafe where friends can gather and chat without disturbing other patrons. I think meeting rooms are important as well and should be available for use by the public as well as the library. I would love to see the library offer more seminars on various topics... perhaps some hands on activities for both adults and kids (the seminar on natural cleaning products was great) and some topics for discussion for those who may wish to participate and learn from others, an intellectual discussion type group. I frequently request books from other libraries for me and this has worked out just fine, but I would like to see a larger collection of children's books as well as young adult/teen books. I think that would help children and parents become more aware of what is out there for them to read. I would also like to see display sections within the children's area for "new releases", "books for boys", "librarian's recommendations", "books for ages ___".

    Feel free to call or email me with any questions and thanks for seeking feedback.
    CB wrote:
    I would love to see a new library with a Larger/separate Children's section.

    I agree that other things in the town need to be done (like all the water lines that keep breaking), additional teachers at the school, but I think the one thing that everyone is missing here is what a resource it could be with just a little more space! In addition, the fact that the middle school kids do not have Library every semester at school should be a factor to help sell a bigger young adult, children's section.

    What I would caution is going too large. The town is very strapped for cash right now and I think the biggest problem that I saw with the Mendon/Upton Library was the excessive amount of space. When you present a new library, you need to make it very clear how it is going to benefit all the different age groups within the town.
    JB wrote:
    I would love a new library. I used to go to a library in Martha's Vineyard (Chilmark) and it was one of the most inviting places I have ever been. There were wood floors, lots of windows, and a lot of room to sit and read. As a child, I used to go to a library that was an old mansion and you arrived at the children's area by going down a spiral staircase. It was magical. I do believe that the town library should be a community gathering place, especially for a town such as ours that is spread out. Because books can be ordered from other network libraries, I don't think the emphasis should be placed as much on books and periodicals as much as an inviting space, including a children's area. Hope my input helps; I would vote for a new library.
    Post #6

    JM's reply to my reply, above:
    Yes, I know what you are talking about. I did send a "join the cause" to all my Upton friends. I'll do what I can to help, just let me know. I really don't know where to start or what to do - and of course, I work so my time is somewhat limited - but please keep me in the loop and I will do what I can.

    I didn't realize that our C/WMARS memberships are at stake. That in itself would put me me into high gear!!! I absolutely LOVE that privilege. It has been amazing and I just got a friend signed up on it as she didn't even know it existed and she's lived in Upton for at least 7 years!!!

    I suggest posting something about the possibility of losing this service and even explaining that it exists, in case their are others who haven't a clue about it. I bet there are more than you think.

    I'll be checking the updates and thanks SO MUCH for your efforts in this fight to improve and upgrade our little town.
    Post #7
    I would like to comment on the question as to Upton residents thoughts on a new library.

    I am ALL for it! The library is in desperate need of more space as well as handicap accessibility.

    I have two young children who enjoy going to the library. I enjoy taking them to the library, but am overwhelmed at the minimal space (to say the least) that the library has to offer. The children's section is well--a joke. It is far too small and there is no room for multiple families. It gets overcrowded when more than one family is in your area. I unfortunately do not attend story or lap time (because of our nap schedules), but I have heard many parents reporting that there "is just not enough room in there". I would like to see more programs and/or activities for younger kids--toddlers through high school.

    I personally utilize the library for it's many resources--books (of course), videos and internet access.

    I believe the library to be a necessary adjunct to our children's schools. It is an integration of our educational system. It certainly promotes literacy and enhances one's computer skills. We also have to remember that not everything is available on the internet. Not everyone can afford books or access to the internet.

    I'd like to see a large room be built (in the NEW library) which would allow for classes and seminars. What a way for the library to make some money. This new room could also serve as a meeting place for groups (i.e.; book club). Classes could be taught there (CPR or a babysitters training class) as well.

    Post #8
    This just in....
    SR wrote:
    Lisa - I absolutely agree that we could use a new library!! It is such a shame that the only space we have is tiny and in a basement! The library offers so much to our town and if we had more space I'm guessing groups could meet there, we could do more activities and hey here's a thought store more books for people to read instead of having to wait for loans, or special requests etc!! I'm sure there are a million other ways we'd all benefit but those are my 2 cents!!

  2. ok so... here's a list of the things i want ... lol ...
    -cafe(maybe get kaleidoscope to put like a mini cafe in?)
    -teen room
    -storytime room
    - maybe a room where there are the comfy chairs near plugs so there can be wifi for those of us who have laptops to use in the library, but also have the computers and possibly more computers in the same room, so have a computer room basically.
    -I think we should have more space for people and computer resources rather than for books, because, we can get books from other libraries.

    Our library is wonderful, but if we made a bigger one it would be fantastic! The more books the merrier (:

  4. Our town fathers started a library from donations from townspeople, and built their town hall with the library occupying what is now the selectmen's office. I find it unbelievable that our town is now considering renovating the town hall, but our selectmen have no intention of using any space within for a library. The "gym" area would be ideal. The handicapped issues are there, but could be remedied, and parking could be achieved by closing off the street behind to use. Why aren't townspeople asking for the library to be located there? At least there is space! I'm not in favor of spending millions to renovate the Town Hall without including the library as it was intended in the beginning. Call your selectmen and let them know we deserve this space for the library! If people want to use the gym, they should go the existing school gymnasiums.

  5. Hi Lisa~ I for one, most definitely think we could use a new, larger more
    modern library.

    A separate and/or larger space for the kids, Given the amount of pre-school
    and elemenatary school age in Upton, this would be a #1 priority.

    More computer stations and WiFi for patrons to do homework or research etc.

    A cafe would be great too!

    Thanks to you, Matthew and all the staff at the library, you are all so passionate about reading, literacy and the community and it's such
    a shame to me that you are still in a small, outdated building that's woefully ill-equipped for a modern community and their needs.

    Keeping my fingers crossed.

  6. I would love a new library. I grew up in a town that our library was huge and amazing. Once I moved to Upton as an adult I was in culture shock of how small it was. However, bigger is not always better. The staff is very friendly and is always willing to help me out in any way possible. I would really like to see the library have mom groups on the weekend. Those story times during the weeks are excellent for stay at home parents. Unfortunately, there are alot of working parents that can not utilize this function because it always during the work week. So, we have to go else where...its to bad. Thanks

  7. As a mother of 2 small children, I have found the library to be an invaluable resource. I have met some wonderful women in this town
    and my children have made great friendships through attendance at story time. The library offers a great sense of community. I don't know much about the library before Lisa, but Lisa has done a wonderful job with the children's programs with her limited space.

    I think a separate children's room would be helpful to the patrons at the library that do not have children that may want to actually
    think and read despite children being in the library. The children's room should have the children's books displayed and ample space for story time and other children's programs. I like the idea of having things labeled as suggested by an earlier poster. It would also be helpful to let the children's section have a baby gate, so we can keep the kids corralled in the area during story time, or when browsing books and not disturb other patrons. Then the area can be all about the children. We all know children are not very quiet, not matter how hard we try to teach them to be.

    I cannot comment much on the needs for school-aged children because I am not familiar with the libraries in the schools and how they are structured. However with the internet, I think that the "need" for certain kinds of materials have diminished, but the need for quality study and meeting space for school projects has not. Perhaps the children's area can also be used as a meeting/study area for older kids after school or in the evenings. The one thing that technology will never be able to replace is teaching our children to love to read and learn.

    Most people do have internet connections at home, however I guess that some do not and look for the library as a resource for this, so a section or room for computers would be great too. I don't know how many we need, but I'm sure the librarians have an idea if the two we have are meeting the needs of the community or if more are needed for that.

    I like the idea of a regional library, potentially with Mendon since we have a regional school district, it does make sense and we can justify larger space servicing two towns as long as it is easily accessible to both communities. Another "dream" thought for the library on location would be that it would have ample parking and potentially have a playground and picnic area nearby.

    I think the library should be handicapped/stroller accessible as well.

    I didn't see anything mentioned on the museum pass program. This is a great program and I wouldn't want all the talk of a new building
    to come at the sacrifice of the wonderful programs that are already offered by our library.

    Finally, is there any way to have the annual book sale be a semi-annual event? It's a great way to recycle old books and get new ones. I don't buy many books at the store anymore b/c of this great event and frequenting the library.
    - KP

  8. Hi KP, Thanks for your input and support! Just a few things to mention, regarding your comments: the plans for a Regional Library w/Mendon crashed & burned several years ago. After LOTS of hard work and determination by many dedicated people, the plan was voted down. So a NEW plan was made, just for Upton, and has been in the works for the past 5 yrs and is now in the process of crashing and burning which is why we're putting in this effort to salvage what we can of it! (Please read the most recent postings about Maple Ave and Town Hall site possibilities.)
    Not only *should* the library be accessible, by law it NEEDS to be ADA compliant.
    As for school-age, the town's public schools depend on the public library more than anyone realizes, and no, 'everyone' does not have internet access at home. We actually have 3 public access computers that usually have waiting lines to be used.
    The Museum Pass program and the Book Sale are both run by the Friends of the Library, a non-profit support organization comprised entirely of volunteers. The Annual Book sale takes a HUGE amount of energy each year and they can always use more volunteers to help out. There is an on-going booksale throughout the year, on the bookshelves in the entryway to the Knowlton-Risteen Bldg, before actually entering the Library. The proceeds from the ongoing, as well as the Annual, booksale are used to purchase the Museum Passes.
    A new library would certainly not take any of these services away, on the contrary, we would be able to offer so many MORE programs and services that are just simply not possible in our confined space.
    Thanks again for your input and your interest!

  9. I remember hearing an NPR broadcast regarding the state of libraries several years ago. In fact, it was just before I moved to Upton and I believe one of the Upton librarians at the time was one of the panel members. In any case, one point the panel agreed upon was the fact that libraries need to find ways in which to compete with the super store bookstores, and I agree. One of the ways which I think we could effectively do so is to have meeting areas, author readings, and a cafe. My preference would be to also to have more books, despite the fact that we can order books from other locations. Personally, I don't want to go to a bookstore or library and see a lot of technology, I want to see, smell and feel books.
