Renovating the current Town Hall and using the space that is currently the Gym/Stage area for a library:
- 1) A local architect volunteered his time and skills to create several conceptual plans for renovations of Town Hall. At the request of the Library Trustees, one of these possible plans included converting the gym and "little town hall" area into roughly 8,500 square feet of library space.
- 2) The Board of Selectmen presented a request to the Community Preservation Committee to use CPA funds to pay for the design and development of construction documents. This request was for about $650,000 and would not have added to the tax rate. The version of the project that was presented to the CPC mentioned the library as one possible use of the renovated building, but did not assign any specific space or priority to the library. The CPC rejected this request, citing a need for more specific information.
- 3) The next steps for this project to proceed are in the hands of the Selectmen. They may either a) stop working on the project entirely; b) appoint a building feasibility committee to develop more specific plans; c) present a revised request to the CPC.
If library supporters would like to help push the Town Hall renovation idea along, they should contact the Board of Selectmen by any means (personal contact, email, letter) and indicate that they would like to see specific plans for Town Hall renovation, and request that library space be included and that library representatives be appointed to any Town Hall feasibility committee that is formed.-Matthew Bachtold, Library Director
Upton Board of Selectmen: (all elected for 3-yr terms)
- Robert J. Fleming, Chairman
- Kenneth E. Picard, Member
- Michael Goodwin, Member
PO Box 479
Upton, MA 01568
Telephone: 508-529-6901
Fax: 508-529-1010Admin Asst: James R. Bates, Sr
Board of Library Trustees: (all elected for 3-yr terms)
- John Robertson Jr., Chairman
- Erin Alcott
- Charlotte Carr
- Judith Katz
- Kathleen E. Kelley
- George Klink
- John Minnucci
- Candace E. Reid
- Linda D. White
PO Box 1196
Upton, MA 01568
The Board of Library Trustees holds an open, public meeting on the first Monday night of each month, at 7pm, at Memorial School.
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