I am going out on a limb here by stating an "I heard ...." but my hope in doing this is to encourage the parties involved to come forward and join this discussion, and set the details straight. So, here goes:

Here's the suggestion, which personally I think makes all the sense in the world, but would LOVE to hear what the voting members of our community have to say:
"Why are we not considering having ALL Town Departments join together in creating one new, efficient GREEN building that would solve so many issues in town, including space and costs?"
My 'dream building' would encompass a new library, a new senior center and include office space for all of the departments currently housed in the Town Hall and Knowlton Risteen Building, two old, inefficient buildings that would cost ridiculous amounts of money to update. When I've spoken of this idea before I actually had someone say to me "What do you think this is, Arizona?" I don't even know what that MEANS?! Was this person implying that people in Upton aren't forward-thinking enough to even consider such a brilliant idea?? I think it's a no-brainer, but I want to know what YOU think!
Just last week, the library hosted a program called Our Renewable Nation which included viewing an interview with the head of a private school in Worcester which has recently built a wind turbine on its campus to become totally self-sufficient energy-wise. Why can't the Town of Upton do something similar? Save money and create the much-needed improvements for our community. To view this video, click here: Wind Over Worcester.
I am just posting this video as ONE of many possibilities .... but I think that in order to bring about the changes we need, all of us need to be thinking beyond individual department needs and looking at the bigger picture of the future of Upton.
Progressing with the times and advancing vital civic resources (like the the library) that support the mind are just as important as maintaining forests and parks. Looking into a new building designed with current and/or cutting edge methods and materials is forward thinking and smart.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of combining certain town departments has always been a good one. I hate to bring up our current economic disaster period, but realistically, It is probably the worst time to consider this. I think towns are going to try to limp along for a couple of years.
ReplyDeleteHere is an idea right off the top of my head (I use that codicil so that people won’t laugh at the idea), why not arrange for the Historical Commission to move into the town hall, petition Blackstone Valley Tech to renovate that upstairs area, and move the Children’s Library upstairs? Older folks who cannot climb stairs could use the adult library downstairs.
Would you still run into the requirement to provide an elevator? If not, it would at least be a temporary solution.
As I say, off of the top of my head.
Ken Fougere
Thanks Ken .... but people w/a physical disability can't even get INTO the bldg, either upstairs or downstairs, because there are stairs even to get to the entrance, then stairs down into the library, so although your suggestion would certainly provide more space, it would not alleviate the accessibility issue. But I am appreciative of the feedback.....all ideas are good at this point! And I'm not proposing we build anything right now, w/the economy as it is, but as opposed to looking at the future and hearing talk of renovating the Town Hall, and not including the Library, building a separate Library and knowing that there is also need for a new senior center.....I'm just saying, we should be looking at the big picture and planning all together for a combined venture that would make the most sense, economically as well as environmentally.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for being involved in this discussion!
Go Green! It is a slogan we have begun to hear a lot about lately, but it is a concept that many of us are still unfamiliar with - at least in terms of the details on how a "green" building project would work. But, just because it is a "new" or "cutting edge" concept does not mean that it cannot or should not happen here in Upton. We do need to be open-minded when reviewing any future town building project - especially in light of our dire economic times. In my opinion, a multi-use, multi-department new "green" building in our current town center would be an ideal proposal. It could encompass the space issues so many of our town departments are facing, create much needed public meeting space, receive state and federal grant funding for use of "green" technology and revitalize our town center.
ReplyDeleteI am extremely grateful and appreciative of all the hard work and effort the members of the library feasability committee have already put into a new library project proposal. I know there is much more work to do ahead and that any proposed building project would take years to actually come to fruition. But, we need to keep the discussion moving ahead, encourage all opinions and suggestions and remember to think "outside the box."
Laura Nadolski
Friends of the Upton Town Library
I personally think anything green is worth looking into. Whether it be the wind turbines or the solar panels. there is a ton of info on the web and one site will even tell you approx. cost, savings and how much the electric company will give back for unused KW. If I can find the website I was looking stuff up on a few months ago I will forward it to you. There also are programs the the state and fed gov. will help out financially with the cost. I don't know about municipal because I was just checking into home use but I am sure there would be something. good luck Tracey
ReplyDeleteIt seems to there could be no better time to be designing green in regard to the library, whether we are recycling by using pre-existing space or starting from scratch. With the current administration and it's green push, certainly funding will be more assessible to our library if we make it green. Not only would it serve the town and the environment well, but it would also serve as a great example to other public libraries.