Monday, December 29, 2008

But how much will it cost?

Before we even go there .... let me ask you THIS:

How much do you SAVE by using the Library?
This issue was mentioned in a recent comment posted by one of our Trustees, so I started thinking about how to calculate that, and while researching the concept, I found this very cool "Library Use Value Calculator" ... Click here to try it out!

I don't know how old this is, but I have a feeling that today's actual values are much higher than this will show. For example, it calculates a book at $15/ea, and we all know that a new hardcover book costs almost double that! (Maybe it's averaging hardcover and paperback prices together?) Also, when's the last time anyone accessed microfilm?! Anyhow, you'll get the point, at least!
Don't forget: DVD's ~ FREE for a week!

And this doesn't even calculate all you can save by using Museum Passes!

If not Town Hall, then Where?

  • We all know about the original proposal for a new 18,000 sq.ft. Library to be built in the Planned Village on Maple Ave, which did not happen.

  • We also all know that the Town chose not to purchase the Maple Ave property when it was offered for sale.
Once again, I will ask for someone with the facts and details to send some info to be posted here, to help educate and inform our citizens of what has happened, what is happening, and what MIGHT happen with the existing grant, and info about any other site possibilities/options.

Info about the 'Library-in-Town-Hall' proposal

In response to my earlier post, regarding the comment someone made about this proposal, Matthew has included the following info:

Renovating the current Town Hall and using the space that is currently the Gym/Stage area for a library:

  1. 1) A local architect volunteered his time and skills to create several conceptual plans for renovations of Town Hall. At the request of the Library Trustees, one of these possible plans included converting the gym and "little town hall" area into roughly 8,500 square feet of library space.
  2. 2) The Board of Selectmen presented a request to the Community Preservation Committee to use CPA funds to pay for the design and development of construction documents. This request was for about $650,000 and would not have added to the tax rate. The version of the project that was presented to the CPC mentioned the library as one possible use of the renovated building, but did not assign any specific space or priority to the library. The CPC rejected this request, citing a need for more specific information.
  3. 3) The next steps for this project to proceed are in the hands of the Selectmen. They may either a) stop working on the project entirely; b) appoint a building feasibility committee to develop more specific plans; c) present a revised request to the CPC.
The Board of Library Trustees is still interested in pursuing the possibility of renovating part of Town Hall into library space, but until the Selectmen decide to take the next step, there is little for the Trustees to do.

If library supporters would like to help push the Town Hall renovation idea along, they should contact the Board of Selectmen by any means (personal contact, email, letter) and indicate that they would like to see specific plans for Town Hall renovation, and request that library space be included and that library representatives be appointed to any Town Hall feasibility committee that is formed.
-Matthew Bachtold, Library Director


Contact info:
Upton Board of Selectmen: (all elected for 3-yr terms)
  • Robert J. Fleming, Chairman
  • Kenneth E. Picard, Member
  • Michael Goodwin, Member
1 Main Street
PO Box 479
Upton, MA 01568

Telephone: 508-529-6901
Fax: 508-529-1010
Admin Asst: James R. Bates, Sr


Board of Library Trustees: (all elected for 3-yr terms)
  • John Robertson Jr., Chairman
  • Erin Alcott
  • Charlotte Carr
  • Judith Katz
  • Kathleen E. Kelley
  • George Klink
  • John Minnucci
  • Candace E. Reid
  • Linda D. White
2 Main Street
PO Box 1196
Upton, MA 01568

The Board of Library Trustees holds an open, public meeting on the first Monday night of each month, at 7pm, at Memorial School.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Library in Town Hall??

I'm very interested in the comment that someone posted on the blog last night, referring to proposed Town Hall renovations.

Could someone with the facts about this proposal please post the details here? I think it would be very interesting and helpful, to make sure we're all aware of the possibilities.

Thank you all again for your support, and for taking the time to get involved and help educate our community!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Keep the comments coming!

Thank you to all who have already responded!
I am very excited by the number of people who have taken the time to email me and comment on this effort (click here to read all the comments!), especially at such a very busy time of year! This blog was started less than 48hrs ago and has already been viewed by 48 people! (The hit counter is set to only count unique viewers, so it's not the same people clicking over & over again!) Five people have already registered to receive e-mail updates! You can sign up to receive updates by entering your email address in the box on the right.

Below are a few more comments I've rec'd that I would like to share. I am hoping that in January we can put some real energy into analyzing these comments and developing a plan to put the findings to good use! So far, it looks like we really need to concentrate on educating our fellow citizens on the vast array of services available to them, that they probably don't even know exist! It amazes me how many people are still not aware that they can use their Upton Library card to request materials from other libraries and pick them up in Upton, and even fewer people realize they can make those requests from their own computer at home!
(If you are not aware of that: Click here to try it out!)

Please feel free to call or stop by the Library for a lesson on how to place your own holds, request items from other libraries and renew items online!

KF wrote:

Perhaps we can pick up some pointers here:

JM wrote:

Just an FYI. I was chatting with another Upton friend yesterday and she had no idea about the CW/MARS card! Just made me wonder how many people aren't taking advantage of this. Any chance you could post the information and how it works? If people knew it was available and started utilizing the service, I imagine they would be more inclined to get involved and do what it takes not to see it taken away.

Thank you all for your interest and support!

Enjoy the Holidays!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Welcome to our new blog!

Matthew Bachtold, Library Director, and Lisa Stratton, Children's/Young Adult Librarian (that's me!) at the Upton Town Library have been assigned the task of gathering community input for a proposed new library in Upton.
As residents, library patrons, voters and tax payers, we need your honest input on this ... and you deserve the chance to have your opinions and ideas heard.

Here's our first discussion question. Please think about this, and answer honestly.

What would be your top priorities for a new library building to have?
  • For example, would WiFi be more important to you than a large Reference collection??
  • Really think about this.... More books or More services?
  • What types of services?
  • Keep in mind, books can be borrowed from other libraries, and delivered to Upton, so should space be reserved for people to gather in, rather than to store more books in??
  • Larger children's area, separate storytime room?
  • Young Adult/Teen room?
  • Meeting rooms? cafe??

Let's get a discussion going here....!

On the "Build a New Library in Upton" Facebook page, our position statements are:

  1. The Library should serve as the Town's Community Center.
  2. The Library should meet the educational, recreational, informational, and cultural needs of its community.
  3. "Libraries will get us through times of no money better than money will get us through times of no Libraries!"
  4. It is imperative that residents make their voices heard, and let Library Trustees and Town Selectman know how much they value the Library.

Thank you for your help!!